Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lil Myers

Several weeks ago I was not feeling so good for several days. I thought it was something I ate from campus center which is totally possible! Turns out....ITS A BABY! Brent and I went to the doctor on Valentines day to find out that for sure that I am pregnant! We were so excited. My sister was the first person I told. She was so excited, she just stood there with her mouth open (sorry Amy) staring!She wanted to take a picture on the day we found out. We have had so much fun telling our friends and family. Adam is so happy that he will finally have someone to play with!!

We went for our first OB appointment yesterday and heard the heartbeat and saw little nugget (which we affectionately call the baby!) The heartbeat was strong and everything was good. Our due date is Oct 23. We are so excited for this new adventure and feel so blessed.

There is a baby in there!! This was taken the Friday before Valentines day, which is the day I took the home tests and when we told Amy!

I'm sorry about this! I have always thought pictures of these were kinda gross but I had to do it!!

Excited Daddy!

On Valentines day, we were going to eat and watch the KU/K-State game with my parents and Amy. We decided that was the perfect time to tell them. We went out and bought little KU booties to put in mugs that say Grandma and Grandpa. The mugs are the same mugs my parents gave my grandparents when they told them they were pregnant with me. It was fun to use! My parents were so excited! We also sent Brent's parents flowers the day with a note saying "Happy Valentine's Day. Love Brent, Laurie and Baby Myers!" They loved it!

The mugs and booties we used to break the news!

This is the first gift we received. Carol (Brents mom) found these so cute outfits for baby to wear on Halloween!!

Baby Myers first picture!


  1. how exciting! I LOVE how you chose to tell y'all's parents with the mugs and booties! soooo cute! I am so happy for you both! = )

  2. I am so overly excited for you guys and the new baby!!!!! I love this post!!! Love you guys so much and can't wait to here updates on the baby...oh and I am keeping an eye out for cowboy/cowgirl boots for the little nugget (that actually sounds a little!) Love you so much friend!

  3. Congratulations Laurie! I just stumbled across your blog and was super excited to hear y'alls news. Your comment about "sorry I always thought these pictures were gross before" cracked me up -- I think you'll be saying that a lot in the next few months/years, how you thought something was gross but it's not anymore. :)
    Cohen, my second boy, was born October 29th. Such a fun season and time to be pregnant, and how fun that you get to share that with Lindsay too. So happy for you and Brent both! Hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months :)
    Congrats again!
